Well you can definatly tell a Jimpy song when you hear one :P
And wow! This must have taken a long to render =O
I don't have my headphones on right now but i'll just go ahead with whatever I think.
The beat is cool, but in my opinion it needs more ripping! screw newgrounds flavourrrrr make it changeee :P
Awesome panning, as usual for your song ^^ I can hear it even on my crappy speakers =O
I really love the intro =O that bassey sound and the synth just sound really nice together
The vocading in my opinion is a bit weird but hey mabye this just personal taste.
I love that reverse snare? I think it is was used in the beat at the start of the song :P
Hats & Rides (if there were any rides?) were pretty cool I liked how they sounded very, very cool in my opinion.
Panning at about 3:32 was brilliant! and the little break/drop part a little bit furthur down the track was awesome!
-Once again Jimpy you have outweirded me :P it's definatly original though, and you can see the work youve put into this, resulting in a 5/5 10/10 from me!